Wounded Warriors of the Cross

Episode 2: The Four Horsemen of the Ministry


Living in the shadow of the Cross we are Called by our Lord to endure many hardships for the sake of sharing the Gospel, and we accept these hardships willingly. However, we must understand how these hardships, these Four Horsemen of the Ministry: Isolation, Alienation, Division, and Loneliness affect us and our families mentally and physically in so many ways.  This episode will begin to unpack the concept of the Four Horsemen and subsequent episodes will break these issues down even further. 
Please comment and give your thoughts about this episode or any of the episodes on the Wounded Warriors of the Cross Facebook page.  If you have any thoughts, concerns, or topics you would like to be highlighted in this podcast please private message me through our Facebook page or email me at woundedwarriorsofthecross@gmail.com.