Wounded Warriors of the Cross
Pastoral and clergy mental health is a mostly ignored area, especially by those who live their lives as pastors in the clergy. The stigma of mental health within those who serve in the shadow of the cross is something that invokes the stigma of fear. Many of those in the clergy will choose to suffer in their despair rather than reaching out for help. Sometimes those suffering choose to wait until it's too late to get the real help that they need. At Wounded Warriors of the Cross our mission is to lift the stigma and the veil of silence that encompasses clergy mental health and assist those who suffer in silence. Wounded Warriors of the Cross is here to shed the light of Christ's love into those dark places.
22 episodes
Episode 4: Living life on the tightrope
Living in the shadow of the Cross we are Called by our Lord to walk that tightrope of all the needs that we are to accomplish. However, how often are our expectations of what we can do out of line and unbalanced with God’s expectations for us. ...
Episode 21: The Art of Self-Compassion – Perfection in Imperfection
We are Called to serve in our Lord’s ministry not because of our perfections but because of our imperfections. However, how often don’t we find ourselves judging ourselves and condemning ourselves due to our imperfections using some unattainabl...
Episode 20: Opening the Lines of Communication
Communication is an issue in the world where we live and within the Church itself. How we have learned to communicate and actively pursue our communication style might not be helping us deal with some big issues that we face within Christ’s Chu...
Episode 19: Pastoral Respite care putting on the whole armor of God
Respite care is a temporary relief or a period of time that our Lord provides for us to refresh, rejuvenate, and invigorate His people so they can continue along the path God has led them. Though God appoints this divinely appointed interlude h...
Episode 18: The sin of adultery Part 3 / Child Porn
Pornography is an ever-growing market in the world that we live in today, child pornography leads in this market. In our podcast we will discuss how this market is growing and what industry is helping this market grow. We also discuss how this ...
Episode 17: The sin of adultery Part 2 / Pornography comes home
As our language becomes more fluid some words change while other words fall off and into a sort of antiquity. For many the word ‘adultery’ has taken much of this form of change. The problem is that God’s Word never changes, and God’s Sixth Comm...
Episode 16: The sin of adultery Part 1
Sexual sins such as adultery and pornography are issues that are infecting Christ’s Church at greater numbers today then ever before. The increase of these numbers is based on the accessibility that technology has provided. In our podcast we wi...
Episode 15: Peace in the Storm of Suicide
We live in a world where the value of human life has been diminished, a world where anger, hate, and indifference has been glorified. We live in a world where the glory that is Christ’s Church and the role and the authority of the office of the...
Episode 14: Where we started
Join us for a more formal introduction to how this mission and ministry of Wounded Warriors of the Cross came to be, the whole history of your host. Join us also on our Facebook page in our private group discussion to share your thoughts ...
Episode 13: The Safety Net that are Support Groups
As Christ’s Church we are not called to go it alone, we are called to work together as Christ’s Church. In our weakest times this is most important. As we close our series on substance use and abuse, we will be discussing support groups and how...
Episode 12: Codependence – Caregiver or Caretaker
Codependency, or relationship addiction, is an excessive, all-consuming dependency on a specific relationship. Most codependent relationships involve some form of underlying problem, such as addiction, abuse, or mental illness. In healthy relat...
Episode 11: What is a co-occurring mental disorder?
Mental health and wellness and substance abuse and addiction can and do often overlap. As those living in the ministry we may feel and believe that these co-occurring issues don’t pertain to us, but they do. In this episode in our series on add...
Episode 10: The Substance of Addiction
Substance abuse in its many forms is something that affects people no matter the communities they live in or their race, religion, or socio-economic background. Even those of us living in the shadow of the cross wrestle with the disease of subs...
Episode 9: The Addictions we Face
Living in the shadow of the cross we are faced with many challenges and temptations. How we choose to handle these issues can lead us down the dark path of addiction. Our episode will begin to introduce us to an ongoing discussion of addiction ...
Episode 8: The Art of People-Pleasing
Living in the shadow of the cross we are trained, conditioned, and we are accomplished at being People-Pleasers. However, in our struggle serving in Christ’s Church to please and care for all people at all times are we really following the mode...
Episode 7: Whose Trauma is it anyway: Dealing with Secondhand Trauma in the Ministry
As pastors and church workers a main part of our calling is to work and serve with other brothers and sisters in Christ. We are called to be shepherds of those who are lost working under the one Good Shepherd. However, in doing the work that we...
Episode 6: The Complexity of it all - Facing and Dealing with Complex Trauma in the Ministry
As pastors and church workers we deal with our own unique sets of stresses that can and often do lead to a distinctive type of trauma. In this episode we will discuss and breakdown this trauma and its effect on those who serve in the ministry. ...
Episode 5: Post the Passion
Easter is the most blessed season of the Church Year, because without Easter there is no Christ’s Church. However, how many pastors, church workers and those living in the ministry get so caught up in the passion of this blessed season, the sea...
Episode 4: Living life on the tightrope
Living in the shadow of the Cross we are Called by our Lord to walk that tightrope of all the needs that we are to accomplish. However, how often are our expectations of what we can do out of line and unbalanced with God’s expectations for us. ...
Episode 3: The Crown of Glory or the Cloud of Despair
Living in the shadow of the Cross we are Called by our Lord to endure many hardships for the sake of sharing the Gospel, and we accept these hardships willingly. However, we must understand how these hardships, the Four Horsemen of the Ministry...
Episode 2: The Four Horsemen of the Ministry
Living in the shadow of the Cross we are Called by our Lord to endure many hardships for the sake of sharing the Gospel, and we accept these hardships willingly. However, we must understand how these hardships, these Four Horsemen of the Minist...
Episode 1: An Introduction
Clergy mental health is a mostly ignored area, especially for those in the clergy. The stigma of mental health within those who serve in the shadow of the cross is something that invokes fear. Many of those in the clergy will suffer in their de...
Season 1
Episode 1